Titolo: Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta - Valfabbrica

Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta - Valfabbrica

The church belonged to the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Maria in Vado Fabrice, which some art critics indicate as the place where Francis was hosted after leaving his town, on the way to Gubbio.
Documented in some chronicles of the year 820, when Emperor Ludovico il Pio granted him the autonomy, it is considered one of the oldest monasteries of Umbria.
In 1200, during the war between Perugia and Assisi, it was subject to frequent depredations and undefended as a result of the destruction of the castle of Valfabbrica operated by Perugini. In 1359, after the suppression of the monastery , for centuries it was used as the parish church of Valfabbrica. The restoration succeeded over time have maintained the original layout of the structure, which preserves inside frescoes votive of the '300 Umbrian school, that some art critics attribute to Cimabue. The abbey was transformed into a private residence, while the church is used during various religious celebrations (Corpus Christi, confirmations, weddings).
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