Chiesa di Santa Maria in Campis Foligno

Church of Santa Maria in Campis

It's situated about 2 km south of Foligno in the direction of Sant'Eraclio, in a vast necropolis relevant to the Roman city of Fulginia.


The church, around which rose the city cemetery, was placed along the route of the Via Flaminia and it was one of four religious structures built in a square at a mile distant from the tomb of St. Feliciano, within the Duomo of Foligno.
Of early Christian origin, it was largely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1832. The interior, with a nave and side aisles, presents a rich votive decoration and some family chapels of the 15th century entirely decorated with wall paintings such as, for example, the Trinci Chapel of the Crucifixion and stories of St. Thomas, considered the oldest art work by Niccolò di Liberatore, known as L'Alunno (1456).


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