Art Gallery - Città di Castello
Art in Umbria

From Umbertide along the Signorelli itinerary

An itinerary to admire the artworks of Luca Signorelli, leaving from Umbertide

The Upper Tiber Valley, bordering Tuscany, was a transit zone for troops, trade and art and saw the presence of big names of Renaissance painting, such as Luca Signorelli from Cortona and Niccolò Circignani from Pomarance.

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These artists received commissions from Brotherhoods and private clients: in Umbertide the Brotherhood of S. Croce commissioned a Deposition from Luca Signorelli, an artwork of extraordinary beauty that the painter executed in 1516/17, at an already old age.
After a long restoration work, the altarpiece could go back to the place for which it was originally painted, namely the Church of Santa Croce, that is today a museum also hosting the valuable altarpiece by Pomarancio, commissioned by the Notary Martinelli for his altar in the near Church of St. Francis.
It’s possible to admire in the Collegiate Church another artwork by Pomarancio, namely the Transfiguration.

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Città di Castello

The two big names of painting also worked in Città di Castello: its beautiful Art Gallery hosts the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Luca Signorelli and the Banner of the Trinity by Raphael.

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Luca Signorelli was called to Morra in order to paint the Passion of Christ in the Oratory of S. Crescentino. He also went to Perugia where he executed the beautiful St. Onofrio altarpiece, and to Orvieto, where he frescoed the walls of the St. Brizio Chapel in the cathedral. Here he depicted the Last Judgement that became his absolute masterpiece, so admired by Michelangelo that he took inspiration from it for his Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel.

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