Noble College of the Exchange - Perugia
Built between 1452 and 1457 within the new wing of the Palazzo dei Priori, it was the headquarters of the guild of money changers.
From the Hall of the Legists, with a tribunal on the back wall and wooden side stalls carved and inlaid by Gian Pietro Zuccari, there is access to the Audience Hall, used for meetings and reception of the public.
Half of the right wall is occupied by the tribunal and counters made by Domenico Tasso, while the walls house a cycle of frescoes made by Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, between 1498 and 1500.
The works start from the vault with allegorical figures of the planets: the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are depicted in the seven canopy sections, and in the centre is Apollo, in a rich grotesque decoration, where decorative and monstrous figures chase each other.