The historic town centre has maintained its medieval structure, with three parallel roads connected by perpendicular alleys that can be reached via the Fiorentina, Perugina and Rastrella Gates. In addition to the numerous churches, you should also visit the brand-new multimedia Banca della Memoria (Memory Bank) in palazzo Baldeschi. Here, you can reflect on the " memory and skills of artisan, agricultural and gourmet food and wine work" thanks to the local population.
If you love art, fine paintings and sculptures are displayed in the Don Aldo Rossi museum, the church of San Giuseppe and the Art Gallery, which can be reached through the Santissimo Sacramento confraternity in Via della Pitalessa.
Nearby, we suggest visiting the Madonna della Stella Sanctuary, built in 1572 after a pilgrim saw a star resting for three days above an image of the Madonna.