Rafting in the Park of the Nera river, between the towns of Ferentillo and Arrone
Canyoning and rafting

Rafting in the Park of the Nera river, between the towns of Ferentillo and Arrone

Rafting in the Nera River provides all the excitement you could ask for, together with the beauty of the most rugged part of Umbria

Do you want to try an ‘extreme' sport suited to everyone? The only basic requirement for rafting is knowing how to swim. Then all you need to do is bring suitable clothing, a good measure of courage and head out to the part of Valnerina outside of Terni, between the towns of Ferentillo and Arrone.

Here the Nera river offers fantastic rapids perfect for rafting. After a short lesson in basic theory, put on your wetsuit, life jacket and helmet, and climb on board the raft, ready to experience the excitement and enjoy the spectacular scenery.


Settle into the guided rhythm and movement of the group in the raft: the adrenalin rush is fabulous as you go down the river and especially when you feel as though you are falling into the water pulled by the river's force. This is the true thrill of rafting.

This river experience lasts for just a couple of hours. In the time you have left over you can visit either Arrone or Ferentillo.

Arrone is a small fortified town that rises on a rocky hill on the left bank of the Nera river, on the border with the province of Rieti. Walk to the highest part of town and admire the medieval city walls that have remained almost intact over the centuries.

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Tappa 1

Situato nella parte sud-orientale dell'Umbria, tra i Borghi più belli d’Italia, Arrone sorge su un colle roccioso alla sinistra del fiume Nera, al confine con il territorio della provincia di Rieti.

Prende il nome dal nobile romano che alla fine del X secolo si impossessò di un promontorio roccioso che si ergeva sull'attuale Valnerina e fece costruire un castello fortificato, primo nucleo del paese. Immerso nell'ambiente naturale incontaminato del Parco Fluviale del Nera, è diviso in due nuclei: la parte più alta, detta "La Terra", ha conservato quasi intatta la struttura urbana dell'antico borgo fortificato medioevale.

Tappa 2

Piccolo centro della Valnerina, nasce lungo una gola sovrastata da due rocche. La sua storia comincia, con ogni probabilità, nell'VIII secolo e si intreccia a quella della vicina abbazia di San Pietro in Valle, alla quale Ferentillo rimase legata per lungo tempo.

Il paese, di aspetto alto-medievale, è attraversato dal fiume Nera che lo divide in due nuclei: Precetto Matterella. È la meta ideale per gli amanti dell’arrampicata, grazie alla presenza della falesia più famosa del centro Italia che fa di Ferentillo una delle palestre naturali più importanti e frequentate d'Italia e d'Europa.

Ferentillo is a small typical Valnerina village, along a gorge overlooked by two great rock faces famous for rock climbing. If you are a climber, take advantage of one of the hundreds of climbing routes this mountain offers. If you prefer something a bit more relaxing, visit one of the most beautiful abbeys of Umbria, the Abbazia di San Pietro in Valle. It is now private property and officially listed as an historical residence, but you can visit the church which still shows traces of two different styles of architecture. The first is from the Longobard period, but the building was finished in the Romanesque period, in the 12th century. Then head to the interesting Church of Santo Stefano with its Mummy Museum, with perfectly intact, naturally mummified bodies are on display. The chemical composition of the terrain dried every cell of the bodies and thus prevented their decomposition.