Salone Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato playbill Città di Castello

Salone Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato 2024

The 44th National Exhibition of the Prized White Truffle will be held from 1 to 3 November 2024 in Città di Castello.
It will be a unique opportunity for visitors to be enchanted by the heady scent of the Prized White Truffle, the jewel in the crown of the Upper Tiber Valley territory, as well as the chance to purchase it directly from the best dealers.
The most prestigious truffle companies, authentic custodians of this gift of nature, will unveil the precious characteristics of the prized white truffle, while expert truffle hunters will illustrate the peculiarities, harvesting methods and centuries-old stories linked to this treasure.
For more information:
website: Biancopregiato
Facebook: Salonenazionaletartufobiancopregiato

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