Santuario Santa Maria Bianca

Santuario della Madonna Bianca - Campello

The shrine was erected in 1516, a short distance from the Clitunno springs, to venerate an image of the Madonna and Child.
The church initially was called Madonna del Soccorso, Our Lady of Mercy and then finally Madonna Bianca, to distinguish it from La Bruna (in Castel Ritaldi) and La Rossa (in Pietrarossa). The magnificent stone portal of the facade was painted in 1521 by master Cione of Master Taddeo from Como. The church had a Latin cross, surmounted by a dome.

The bell tower was added in 1617. In 1797 the architect Giuseppe Valadier designed the main and lateral altars, and the stuccos that adorn the inside, overlapping Neoclassical and Renaissance elements.
The simple structure of the facade of the church, with two slopes, is vertically divided by four slender brick pilasters ending in a serrated cornice surrounding the attic in all its extension. At the center is the portal, sober and elegant, with its symmetrical classicism reminiscent of the forms the peripheral elements of the temple facade. The portal is surmounted by a large circular window.
In the apse is a large fresco by Fabio Angelucci from Mevale of Visso, dating from around 1574. On the apse, the Coronation of the Virgin by the Lord and Christ is depicted, with characters from the Old and New Testaments.
Lo Spagna frescoed the side of the altar ( Annunciation and Nativity), now detached and preserved in the sacristy. In the side altars there are beautiful paintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in the sacristy you can admire, as well as the paintings mentioned before, precious furnishings and furniture.

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