Sedano Nero di Trevi
Main courses

Stuffed Trevi Celery

server 4 people
10 minutes
Cook time
1 hour

Trevi's celery with its particularly intense flavor is enhanced in Trevi's cuisine in various preparations, from the classic and simpler pinzimonio, to the parmigiana di sedani neri to the protagonist of this unusual and tasty recipe: the "Sedano ripieno alla Trevana" (stuffed celery Trevi style).

It is a typical dish of the fall season, perhaps to be enjoyed in the second half of October directly in Trevi during the Mostra Mercato del Sedano Nero, or to be prepared at home after buying the vegetable. A single dish, hearty and full of flavor, stuffed with minced meat and sausage and with a light crust topped with tomato and Parmesan cheese: the recipe is a bit laborious, but its taste will win you over.


First start by preparing the tomato sauce: chop the carrot and onion and sauté for 5 minutes in a little oil. Add the tomato puree, 1/2 cup of water, salt and pepper and cook for about 15 minutes.

Prepare the celery. Wash the heads under running water, spreading the ribs a little so that the heart of the celery is also well cleaned, being careful not to break it, it is essential to keep it intact to fill it.

Using a small knife, remove the leaves and the tougher outer ribs, which you can keep and use to prepare a soup or velouté made with Trevi Black Celery. Once cleaned, in a large saucepan plunge it into boiling salted water and cook for about 10 minutes. Drain and let cool, preferably upside down so that excess water can drain off well.

In a bowl, mix the ground meat with the sausage, add a pinch of salt and following your own taste eggs, breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.

Proceed with the stuffing: open the ribs slightly and start filling it starting from the bottom and continuing to the top. As the celery is filled, make sure to "squeeze" it, applying light pressure and rotation with your hand, so that the filling adheres perfectly to the ribs.

Once filled, tie the celery with kitchen twine, dip it in flour, then in egg and fry it in plenty of boiling oil until golden brown.

Drain excess oil on paper towels, remove twine, arrange in an ovenproof dish, add tomato sauce and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven, cut the celery in half lengthwise and serve hot.