Titolo: Umbrian canvas Umbrian Laboratory and Textile Canvas Collection

Umbrian canvas Umbrian Laboratory and Textile Canvas Collection

The creaking of the wooden pulleys and the rhythmic dry blows of the comb are still scanning the time of a hard and laborious job made by tenacious and hard-working women that produce rare and precious fabrics. 
The continuous research of rigor and formal beauty, combined with first-quality yarns, represent the distinctive sign of the Umbrian Canvas Laboratory and of its products: tablecloths, towels, carpets, tents and centerpieces, made according to the old techniques of the spolinato, the Umbrian quadruccio and the partridge eye.  Such highly precious canvasses can not rise from a mass-production: each one of them is the fruit of the personal knowledge and of the experience of weavers, who ensure a unique quality homemade production of this kind in Italy, with handmade products that represent all the best it could exist today on the global market.

Today the Umbrian Canvas Laboratory is still located in the Alberti Tomassini historical palace, in the city center, few steps from the principal square, and everything is still working like at the beginning of the last century, with the aim of protecting an exclusively handmade production. From the rough and slightly approximate fabrics of the first years of activity, they moved to thin and delicate canvasses produced with pure linen yarns coming from Flanders and Ireland, always through handmade procedures. Once visited the laboratory and the museum, in the show-room you will have the possibility of purchasing a souvenir to bring home or to give to your friends; even a simple doily or a perfume for linen will remind you of a touching and unforgettable visit.


For further information: 

Città di Castello, Via S'Antonio, 3

Open every day from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm – Monday 9 am -12 pm. Sunday and festivities 10.30  am – 1 pm/ 3.30 pm – 6.30 pm – Monday closed

Phone number:  075 855 4337 

Fax number: 075 852 4042 – email address: telaumbra@aruba.it


For tourist information:

Ufficio IAT di Città di Castello 

phone number: 075.8554922  - email address: info@iat.citta-di-castello.pg.it



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