Vini Doc Amelia

Vini Doc Amelia

Known in ancient times as Ameria, named after its founder Ameroe, the town of Amelia has a very long history. The first community settled here even before the foundation of Rome.  This was the period that saw the construction of the polygonal walls, the only effective way of defending the town against attacks from the nearby Etruscans.


Vines have always been grown on the hills in this area. The Latin poet Virgil, in Book I of the Georgics, dedicated several verses to the patience and care lavished on the vines by the vine dressers. Today, the vineyards and olive plantations merge to combine a harmonious landscape that is difficult to find anywhere else: the ultimate fusion between man and his territory. The Grechetto, Malvasia, Ciliegiolo and Sangiovese are the most commonly-grown vines in an area that is better-known for its long history of producing Vin Santo, a dessert wine with a vintage flavour.


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