From Perugia to Todi, along the Cantico Wine Route
Taste routes

From Perugia to Todi, along the Cantico Wine Route

Traavelling through the vineyards of the Colli Perugini hills we find the balance between the austere elegance of Rosso di Torgiano and the fruity verve of Grechetto of Todi wines

An exploration of taste

Start your trip from Perugia to Todi: in this area grechetto, Sangiovese and Trebbiano grapes are cultivated (also used for the Vin Santo), joined in recent decades with some international varieties such as pinot grigio, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon and merlot.
An obligatory stop is Torgiano, a small village which grew around a medieval castle, of which today only a few walls and a tower remain. In the world of wine Torgiano is synonymous with a great Sangiovese, one of the first Italian DOCG. While there, visit the Wine Museum, which the New York Times called the best wine-themed visit in Italy, and the nearby Olive and Oil Museum. If you have time, for something a little off topic, but not too much, visit the Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art with the permanent exhibition Vaselle d'Autore for new wine.
If you develop an appetite: tagliatelle with chicken giblets and rabbit alla cacciatora with torta al testo ed erbe di campo. To drink, preferably red, either Torgiano or a choice between the DOC from Assisi, Colli Perugini or Colli Martani.
The afternoon begins with a stroll through the picturesque medieval village of Monte Castello di Vibio with its delightful Concordia theatre, "The Smallest Theatre in the World".
We continue along the road towards Todi, an Etruscan city spread over two hills which have always been a natural border for those crossing the Tiber valley. Hence the Etruscan name tuder, frontier. It is a beautiful village nestled in one of the most picturesque areas of the region, with a historical centre clearly of medieval origin, boasting religious and civic buildings of great prestige. Walking around the city, see the church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, the monument to Jacopone da Todi, the San Fortunato temple, the municipal buildings and the cathedral Santa Maria Annunziata.

Here the star is grechetto doc, historically grown in the variety known as "Todi". The land and local climate suit white grapes, although there are some red wines made from sangiovese and merlot.