Spelt of Monteleone di Spoleto PDO

Spelt of Monteleone di Spoleto PDO

A very old variety of spelt, whose first traces date back to the Bronze Age, which in 2010 obtained the Protected Designation of Origin.

The Spelt of Monteleone di Spoleto PDO is a variety particularly suitable for sowing in mountain areas: perfect in poor soil and cold resistant, it seems made for the mountain territory of the Spoleto area. In fact that’s it: starting from the sixteenth century, generations of farmers followed one another and they selected physical characteristics of this cereal, in perfect combination with the environment and the climates of this region.

If spelt history was before the Christendom (there are some testimonials attributable to three thousand years ago or more recently to the Roman age), the variety of Monteleone di Spoleto is closely linked to the Patron Saint of the village, Saint Nicholas of Bari, who was going by Monteleone and he was impressed with the poverty of its citizens. For this reason the legend was born, in fact he began distributing the few spelt in his bag, up to feed all poor people of the village.

This miracle is commemorated on December 5th of every year with the celebration of the saint, during which is scheduled the preparation and the distribution of a soup cooked, with this typical cereal, from the parish priest of the Saint Nicholas Church. The spelt is distributed at midday with lean sauce to the people living in Monteleone, beginning with children who are the special beneficiaries of this ritual.

Since 2010, the spelt of Monteleone di Spoleto obtained, because of its history and its specificity, the Protected Designation of Origin.
Rich in vitamins and in mineral salts, the Spelt of Monteleone di Spoleto PDO is the key ingredient for stews and soup, as well as many typical local dishes like the imbrecciata and the Valnerina porridge.  

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