Titolo: Former Convent and Church of Santa Caterina - Monteleone di Spoleto

Former Convent and Church of Santa Caterina - Monteleone di Spoleto

Its origins are known from some authentic documents kept in the archives of the Community and the Monastery from which it was deduced that in 1310, at the time of Clement V, ten Augustinian nuns gathered to profess the rule of Clare of Norcia to propagate the Order.

From the community they obtained not only the consent but also the place near the castle walls, adjacent to the chapel of St. Agnes outside the walls belonging to the parish church of St.

Nicholas; what they built was more of a shelter than a monastery, with a church dedicated to St. Catherine V. M. After five years they moved to the church of San Giovanni al Borgo, with a monastery built there at the expense of the illustrious D. Napoleone Gilberti (de Tiberti?), and this was called the Monastery San Giovanni. Later, the year is unknown, they returned to the primitive Monastery. The present church of Santa Caterina, now reduced to ruins, was damaged in the earthquake of 1703, but the nuns repaired it immediately, and they were using it in 1715. The shape of the church is an ovoid generated by four equilateral triangles intersecting each other. With the laws of 1866 the convent was suppressed, the property confiscated by the State and the Nuns moved to Cascia. The Italian State sold the land to private individuals, while the building was entrusted to the Consortium of Landowners of Monteleone.

[Source: www.comune.monteleonedispoleto.pg.it]

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