Hemp Museum -

Hemp Museum

Along the banks of the Nera river there are territories that bear the name ''canapine''. It is a term that dates back to the first half of the twentieth century, when hemp was grown and processed throughout Umbria, particularly in Valnerina. This creates ropes that are essential for agriculture and fabrics for the home and clothing.

A local tradition that is still preserved and transmitted today in Sant'Anatolia di Narco, within a modern creative exhibition space, the Hemp Museum.

A multisensory journey

Upon entering the museum, the visitor will not only find an exhibition of ancient tools for processing and weaving hemp, in addition to the rich heritage of artefacts. On the contrary, they will be able to live an innovative experience, thanks to the combination of multimedia testimonies and multisensory works to relive the history and function of these objects, while simultaneously discovering the artistic evolution of hemp.

An important example of this fusion between tradition and innovation is represented by the permanent installation "Spinning Dolls" by the English artist Liliane Lijn. Five conical shapes, similar to skirts, rotate, rise and fall at the mercy of gravity and centrifugal force, they dance, recalling gestures and the female world. And again, in the weaving workshops, adjacent to the museum headquarters, you can discover another contemporary use: all the spaces have been renovated following the principles of bio-architecture, using hemp and lime as key materials. This innovative initiative has awarded the museum the prestigious "Green Heart Quality" quality mark.

Weaving as a place of meeting and exchange

During your visit to the museum you are always accompanied by a guide who, in addition to providing information, helps you interact directly with the tools discovered, giving you the opportunity to experiment with the art of weaving. In particular, attention is dedicated to the little ones, whose workshop activities are transformed into real creative performances lasting an average of two hours: dyeing, creative weaving, spinning, urban trekking. The museum also organizes weaving courses for individuals and groups.


Entry is permitted up to half an hour before closing.

Reservations are recommended, to be made at info@museodellacanapa.it.

Families with children under three years old have priority entry. Extraordinary openings and visits to the depots are planned for the last weekend of the month.

Monday closed
Tuesday | Thursday | Saturday | Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00 / 15:00 – 18:00
Wednesday | Friday: by reservation only, to be made at info@museodellacanapa.it at least 24 hours in advance.
Extraordinary closing days: 1 January - 15 August - 25 December

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