Head towards Spoleto, stopping off first at the church of S. Filippo Neri, building of which began in 1640, following the designs of local architect Loreto Scelli. Reaching the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, head towards the chapel of the Santissima icona (Chapel of the holy icon), a Byzantine work from the 11th - 12th century, donated in 1185 by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa as a sign of peace. Leaving the Cathedral, head towards the Arco di Druso, (Arch of Drusus) in the area surrounding Piazza del Mercato, which was erected on the Spoleto senate's initiative, in the year 23 A.D., in honour of the princes Drusus and Germanicus. In the complex of the former caserma Minervio (Minervio Barracks), together with the amphitheatre and the Church of Santi Stefano e Tommaso, visit the former Monastero della Stella, and the remains of its beautiful cloister with a double row of loggias. Returning towards the upper part of the town, take a moment to admire the beautiful Palazzo Pianciani, an aristocratic residence in a neo-classical style, today home to the Banca Popolare di Spoleto that lies in an area that has been urbanised since Roman times.
Nearby, look for the small early medieval church dedicated to S. Agata, which together with its convent, is today home to the Museo Archeologico Nazionale (National Archaeological Museum).