
Christmas in Assisi, City Crib 2023

The feast of the holidays, Christmas back in Assisi, for an extraordinary experience.
From 1 December 2023 to 7 January 2024, a program full of events between tradition, culture, beauty, nature, aggregation and spirituality.
It will be a special Christmas in Assisi, in an even more evocative year, connected to the 800 years of the first crib in history, made by Saint Francis in Greccio in 1223
A Christmas dedicated to this exceptional historical, cultural and spiritual event, which will be the fil rouge of the Christmas holidays in the seraphic city.
It will be possible, for visitors, to observe the spectacular illuminations and light projections on churches and palaces, in addition to the enchanting cribs spread, living, artistic, monumental.
In addition, the Casa del Presepe di Francesco will be presented: a space in which to live the experience of the first crib through role-playing games, stories, bright suggestions and workshops for children. 
And again, the Christmas train, markets, bagpipes, Santa Claus, Marching Band, Eco-trees bright, New Year’s Eve and Befana in the square.
Concerts, gospel, shows, exhibitions, excursions in the Park of Monte Subasio, itineraries to discover nature, monuments, cultural heritage, breathtaking visits of the city UNESCO heritage.
It will be a unique experience, in a special year.

📍🤶🏻For more information and the complete program:🎄🌠



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