Claudio Faina Museum and Civic Archaeological Museum

Claudio Faina Museum and Civic Archaeological Museum - Orvieto

The Museo Claudio Faina and the Museo Civico Archeologico are housed inside Palazzo Faina, located in Piazza Duomo, in Orvieto.
The building became the seat of the Museum in 1954, when Claudio Faina Junior, the last heir, left all his properties to Orvieto Municipality as the basis for and to finance the Claudio Faina Museum Foundation, and it has remained there ever since.
The exhibition arrangement aims at illustrating the steps of the gathering of the collection, from the constitution of the original nucleus starting in 1864, by Count Mario, collected following the indications required by collectors of the time, up to its enrichment by Eugenio, Mario's heir, who limited the acquisition of the finds to the Orvieto area, and promoted the formation of a Civic Museum rather than enriching the family collection.
From the gallery, located on the second floor of the palace, it is possible to admire a view of the Duomo from a particular perspective. The access to the Civic Archaeological Museum is in Piazza Duomo.
It is housed on the ground floor of the palace and is entirely dedicated to the finds from the local excavation sites of Orvieto and its territory, which testify to the exceptional flourishing of Volsinii—the Etruscan town of Orvieto.
The architectural terracotta finds exhibited from the Belvedere area come from production of the finest artistic quality, executed in the course of the 5th century B.C. by Volsinii's workshops. They are inspired by Classical Ancient Greek Art, and are what is left of the decorative apparatus and marble coated buildings of worship. From the sacred area of Cannicella—its name comes from reeds, a perennial grass growing profusely in the area—a sanctuary identified inside the necropolis located to the south of the town, comes the célèbre sculpture of Venus, and from the necropolis of the Crocefisso del Tufo—the Tuff Cross—located to the north, some funerary slabs with the inscription of the deceased and stones— cippi—are exhibited.
From the territory of Orvieto, some materials collected in the course of the 19th century are displayed. Among these, the Torre di San Severo Sarcophagus, with its sculpted scenes depicting mediated episodes of the Greek Mythology of funerary inspiration, stands out. The Claudio Faina Collection is arranged on the first and second floors of the palace, in a renewed arrangement set up in 1996. On the first floor ( Piano Nobile), which preserves the 19th century decorations, parts of the Faina collection are arranged highlighting especially the collecting activity of Mauro, in particular his numismatic collection, consisting of coins mainly from the Roman, Republican and Imperial periods. They are displayed in rigorous chronological order. On the second floor, the finds are arranged following a typological and chronological order: from pre- and proto-historic materials to Attic ceramics, while some rooms are entirely dedicated to Etruscan ceramics. Information

Piazza del Duomo
05018 - Orvieto (TR) 
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