Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta

Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta

The museum is housed in the fourteenth-century Pietromarchi palace in Marsciano, Umbria's main center of production of bricks. Marsciano is built entirely of brick.

The building was built in the fourteenth century by the Bulgarelli family, counts of Marsciano. Today it houses the "Enzo Briziarelli" Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta.

The museum is configured as a starting point of a tour that extends to the entire municipal area, including the production sites of Compignano and San Fortunato, ancient kilns documenting the pre-industrial production of bricks, and Compignano and Spina museum annexes, exhibition centers that serve as documentation centers on local traditions.

Since 2004 the rooms of the restored Pietromarchi building have displayed many bricks, roof tiles, and building materials in general, as well as decorative and everyday pottery that feature in the area's documented production from Roman times to today.

The exhibition also illustrates the social and demographic changes related to this activity with particular regard to the processing stages that characterized the area's pre-industrial and industrial production. The museum's permanent exhibitions include those dedicated to the Marscianese artist Antonio Ranocchia (1915-1989), and terracotta whistles in whimsical shapes.

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