Church of Santa Maria Assunta - Marsciano

Church of Santa Maria Assunta - Marsciano

The construction of the Church of Santa Maria Assunta dates back to a period prior to 1163: this is the first date for which there is certain mention of the building.
The Church is situated at the center of the village with the main facade and the entrance facing piazza Beato Giacomo and the bell tower of Piazza XXV April. Inside the bell tower there is a bell made in 1394. The main facade is flat with great portal in molded bricks with mosaic in the lunette dated 1984. Above an arched window with brick decoration. The Church is known for the richness of the art works kept inside; the most important is the fresco of San Sebastian of 1478, situated on the right wall of the presbytery. It’s the oldest authentic work of Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, from the Chapel of Mary Magdalene destroyed in 1779. []
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