Excursion in the Valnerina from Cerreto di Spoleto to Poggiodomo
Valnerina à découvrir

Excursion in the Valnerina from Cerreto di Spoleto to Poggiodomo

A complicated but exciting itinerary that starts from Cerreto di Spoleto and takes you to Poggiodomo: trails deep within nature and the peaceful silence of the Valnerina.

This fascinating walk begins in Cerreto di Spoleto. At the edge of town on via della Circonvallazione/via degli Archi, take the path that goes down the cliff. After about 400m, turn left and, just further on, cross over the SS209, then cross over the Nera river and after the church take the dirt road to the right. Leave the road and get onto the trail to the left, then turn right along the paved road and right again towards the town of Ponte. There, take the road to the left under the arch. After about a kilometre, turn left along the gulley of the Tissino river. Follow the course of the river and after about 2 km turn right and follow the white/red marked trail. At km 12.2 turn right and then left. This road leads to a deviation towards the Benedictine monastery of Madonna della Stella. Turn left and then right to reach it. Have a rest and a bite to eat here, then visit the 14th century church. It was built by the hermit monks of St Augustine and later inhabited by Benedictine monks. The building was carved into the rock face, as was the refectory and the cells the monks slept in. Inside is a single nave with a fresco dating to the 14th century.

When you are done, cross the SP470 road, pass the cemetery and turn left onto the paved road towards Poggiodomo, your final destination. Enter the town. It was the destination of monks and hermits, of mystics and refugees from medieval Ghibellinism, and much later, even Partigiani rebels. The centre of town has a 13th century castle, typical of buildings constructed on a rocky outcrop.