Exploring Monte Subasio by motorbike
L’Ombrie en moto

Exploring Monte Subasio by motorbike

Exploring Monte Subasio by motorbike

If you're not daunted by hairpin bends, get on your motorbike and follow this itinerary around the ones on Subasio, visiting some of the most important locations for Franciscans, along roads that area surrounded by expanses of olive groves.


The route begins in Spello, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy; take the Statale 147 and head towards Capitan Loreto and San Vitale. From San Vitale start climbing towards Monte Subasio. This easily accessible and scenic road, leads first to the Eremo delle Carceri, the perfect place for a break, with its holm oaks and its mystical and relaxing silence. Don't miss the chance to visit the natural grottoes where saints and hermits withdrew in prayer and meditation. The journey continues towards Assisi, which you will reach in only a few minutes, travelling along a road completely surrounded by greenery that will take you to the Porta Cappuccini entrance. Then continue along the Strada provinciale 251, heading down towards the centre of Assisi, until you reach the turning for the Statale 444 which will take you back towards the Parco del Monte Subasio. From here, continue towards Valtopina. There you can decide whether to continue with the trip or stop for a walk in the woods and meadows or around the numerous castles located in the area: the Castello del Poggio (which was until the beginning of the century, used to house the Palazzo Municipale- the town hall), and those of Gallano, Santa Cristina, Pasano and Serra.


Leaving Valtopina, you again re-enter the Parco del Monte Subasio, taking the strada provinciale 249 towards San Giovanni and Armenzano, returning to Assisi, after a countless series of hairpin bends, where your journey by motorbike ends and a new journey in art and spirituality begins.


