Ordine di Malta
L'art en Ombrie

In the footsteps of the Knights of Malta

Places of historical importance for the Knights of Malta between Magione and Corciano

Even today, an air of mystery surrounds the Order of the Knights of Malta, one of the few orders of knighthood officially recognised by the Holy See and which in Umbria left their mark above all in the areas of Corciano and Magione.

To experience the medieval atmosphere and discover the numerous buildings from that time, we suggest starting from Magione, where the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (the ancient name for the Knights of Malta) founded a hospital dedicated to Saint John the Baptist with the church of the same name, at the beginning of the 13th century. The order then transformed the hospital into a castle in the first half of the 15th century.

About a kilometre from Corciano is Pieve del Vescovo, a castle from the 16th century, so-called because for centuries it has been property of the Archbishop of Perugia's refrectory. You can visit the building which is organised over three floors and take a moment to visit the Archdiocese of Perugia's collection, housed in the Museo Diocesano Diffuso in Pieve del Vescovo.

Once in the environs of Corciano, visit the Church of Santa Maria Assunta which contains masterpieces by Perugino and Bonfigli.

The castles which were built around Lake Trasimeno will take you on a journey back in time to an older world inhabited by knights and kings. Indeed, the fortresses of Montecolognola, San Savino, Monte del Lago and Castello di Zocco were built to defend the territory controlled by Perugia between the 12th and 14th centuries. You can visit each hamlet (they are not far from each other) or choose one and enjoy a few hours within its ancient walls and allow yourself to be captivated by the landscape surrounding Lake Trasimeno.

Montecolognola is a small hamlet overlooking Lake Trasimeno in a panoramic location, which has kept its medieval characteristics almost intact with its city walls and entry gate. San Savino is characterised by a triangular tower and by high city walls. Monte del Lago is a small medieval centre on the shores of Lake Trasimeno where as well as the medieval walls you can see the Church of Sant'Andrea which contains some frescoes from the 15 th century. The Castello di Zocco was built in 1274 next to a Franciscan convent and was probably given the name Zocco because of its shape which is very similar to a horse hoof ( zoccolo).
Nearby you can also visit Rocca Monaldi, an imposing building constructed during the Middle Ages in the countryside near Magione, where high medieval walls enclose the stately home.