Itineraries in Colfiorito Natural Park
Parcs naturels et parcs à thème

Itineraries in Colfiorito Natural Park

Ideas suitable for all members of the family to discover and explore this area

Would you like to spend a whole day immersed in nature, but at the same time not miss out on cultural activities and on the delicacies of food and wine?

How about a visit to Colfiorito Natural Park?

This amazing valley, as well as being an ideal location for birdwatching and tasting the area's typical produce (such as the famous local lentil), is also a prime destination for trekking and mountain bike lovers, among others.

Furthermore, if you prefer, you can venture into itineraries on horse-back, or discover the local archaeological museum which testifies to the past richness and fervent activity of this land.

The real star here is Colfiorito marsh, central Italy's best example of wetland. The area is inhabited by rare plant and animal species, such as black pines, white water lilies, pondweeds, and water yarrows. If you're lucky, you might catch sight of a red heron, a wild boar, a porcupine, or even a wolf.

Carrying on with our journey, we come to Mount Orve, the area's highest point; from the summit there's an outstanding view over the surrounding landscape and the Plestine highlands, seat of ancient settlements.

An example of these settlements is Castelliere, a small fortified village dating from the Bronze or perhaps the Iron Age, and enclosed by a polygonal wall. The highest part of the settlement used to be the seat of the acropolis, whilst today it is occupied by the rectory of Santa Maria and by the castle, both built in the feudal age.

Worthy of a stop is also the small town of Cassicchio, above Molinaccio and the inghiottitoio (pothole).

A suitable spot for a break is Fagiolaro, where you can take advantage of a picnic area and practice fly fishing.

Other sights are offered by Fonte Fontaccia, Casa Mollaro, Forcatura and Popola, a small mountain village near Foligno, crossed by the Spina Road.