Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo
L'art en Ombrie

Templar Trails

Perugia: crossing the city following in the footsteps of the Templar Knights

Leave your car at Parcheggio Sant'Antonio and begin the tour on foot, taking Corso Garibaldi from Piazza Grimana, where you will have had the chance to admire the Arco Etrusco and the beautiful Palazzo Gallenga, home to the University for Foreigners of Perugia.


Not everyone knows that Corso Garibaldi is full of esoteric symbols: walking along the road, you will see on the architraves of the doors inscriptions and signs clearly linked to Templar symbology. Specifically, stop for a moment at the deconsecrated church of San Cristoforo where these signs mysteriously combine with masonic ones: above the main door, you will see an eloquent bas-relief which shows an overlapping square and compass inside a triangle.

Following the Templar itinerary, Corso Garibaldi is the road to reach the nearby Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo, dating back to the 5th century A.D. (also known as the Tempietto). In little more than ten minutes you will reach the end of the road, finding this particular paleo-Christian church with its unusual circular shape, on your right, an ancient place which was already considered sacred by the Etruscans and the Romans. The building is surrounded by a wide lawn and is surrounded by an atmosphere of absolute peace: it's no coincidence that locals and students of the nearby university, love coming here to enjoy a relaxing break.

The temple is dedicated to Saint Michael Archangel, the warrior saint who fought against evil: this dedication already shows a strong bond between this place and the Templar knights. The inside of the church is surprising, characterised by the presence of a marvellous Corinthian column, with the altar located at the centre of the building. Pay attention to the symbology: the five point star in a circle on the floor by the entrance, the layout of the church which recalls that of ancient Jerusalem, the typical Cross Pattee and some mysterious carvings on the capitals of the colonnade, which have been interpreted as a declaration of how the birth of Jesus was source of salvation for humanity.

To reach the most important testimony of the Templar Knights' presence in the city, we advise you to return to Piazza Grimana and pick up your car from Parcheggio Sant'Antonio. At this point, drive towards the neighbourhood of Monteluce and having gone through the neighbourhood, you will reach the Templar Chiesa di San Bevignate. You will be taken aback by the majesty of the building, with its massive and fortified appearance. The front door is characterised by the presence of symbols of the flower of life on both sides; inside the church you can see precious fresco cycles of extraordinary importance which recalls and illustrates the mission of the religious military order of knighthood in the Holy Land, glorifying its importance in defending the Christian faith.


After restoration, the Chiesa di San Bevignate became a public space where many Templar-related cultural events are held. Get more information from the events calendar, these are unmissable and exciting events for enthusiasts!