Titolo: Rocca Monaldi

Rocca Monaldi

Setting: Isolated in an agricultural setting
Dating: 14th Century
Ownership: Private

Rocca Monaldi stands secluded in the vicinity of Magione, surrounded by thick vegetation.
It was probably built in the 14th Century and over time, underwent some changes to make it more suitable for residential use.

The structure has a rectangular plan with four bastions at its corners, and is enclosed by imposing external fortified walls, to which other parts of wall were added to defend the keep. The stately home is built between the two defensive walls.

It was likely that Marco di Ceccolo Piccinino built the fortress, which was initially called Rocca del Conte Angelo, after Angelo di Giacomo Piccinino, one of Marco's relatives, who lived there.
Unfortunately on the 8th June 1479, the fortress endured a violent attack by some Florentine troops who damaged it in various places.
During the 16 th Century, the property passed first to the Baglioni family and later to the Monaldi family. The latter was one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Perugia. They also owned a building of the same name today in via Baglioni in Perugia, and it was with this family that the fortress' history intertwined, until the beginning of the 20 th century. From the 16 th Century onwards, the fortress was known as Rocca Monaldi, taking the name of the family who had lived there the longest.
Many members of the Monaldi family distinguished themselves in Umbria and beyond, Benedetto was Procurator at the Holy See and Bishop of Perugia, Ludovico was Apostolic Commissioner in Gualdo Tadino and Carlo a member of the Superiorità del Collegio La Sapienza of Perugia.
At the start of the Twentieth Century, the Marchioness Nathan Monaldi used to entertain friends, regularly presenting small theatrical shows inside the fortress.
Today the property belongs to the Veracchi family.

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