San Manno Hypogeum

San Manno Hypogeum - Perugia

The Ipogeo di San Manno is in the locality of Ferro di Cavallo, at a short distance from Perugia. It is in a medieval house, property of the Knights of Malta.

The hypogeum consists of a large rectangular room with a vaulted ceiling and is completely faced with a layer of travertine slabs, perfectly aligned and joined together "a secco", i.e. without the use of mortar.
On the longer sides, two small squared chambers open—symmetrically—one to the left and one to the right of the room, and both have a vaulted ceiling.

Above the arch of access in the left chamber, a three line long Etruscan inscription—each of different length—has been sculpted.
The text mentions the tomb built by Aule and Larth of the Precu family, and the father Larth and the mother, from the Cestna family, are commemorated


via San Manno - Località Ferro di Cavallo
06121 - Perugia (PG)


Fonte Regione Umbria - Servizio Musei e soprintendenza ai beni librari  

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