Titolo: Santuario della Madonna dei Miracoli

Santuario della Madonna dei Miracoli

In order to reach the shrine of our Lady of Miracles, you have to go to Castel Rigone, a small hamlet of Passignano sul Trasimeno.
The sanctuary is located just outside the walls of the village, and it is among the best examples of Renaissance architecture in Umbria. The building was erected in 1494, with the support of the Perugia municipality, as place of protection against the plague; for this reason, it was dedicated to Our Lady of Miracles, by the will of Pope Alexander VI.

The structure was totally built with sandstone: the façade was executed by Domenico Bertini, and the squat tower was rebuilt in 1851, after the collapse of the previous one in 1531. The sanctuary has a Latin-cross design, with a vast single nave; on the left wall you can admire paintings by the Perugia school dating back to the 1500s.
A wooden crucifix is located in the right arm of the transept, within a small chapel of pietra serena stone, frescoed by Tommaso Papacello. The two tondi with figures of the prophets Micah and Isaiah, located on the pillars of the triumphal arch, were executed by Domenico Alfani.
In the apse is the painting depicting the Epiphany, executed by Alfani after cartoons by Rosso Fiorentino. The chapel in the left transept, also in pietra serena, houses a picture of the Virgin with the Child, dating back to the end of the 16th century.  The painting by G.B. Caporali depicting the Coronation of the Virgin is located above the second altar on the left.
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