Torgiano and Deruta among wine and majolicas
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Torgiano and Deruta among wine and majolicas

Different in height
250 metres
27,5 km
Easy bike itinerary from the village of Torgiano to the Ceramics Town

Located few kilometres from Perugia, Torgiano is an ancient medieval village situated at the confluence between the Chiascio River and the Tiber, among softly sloping hills with a carpet of vineyards and olive groves that made it famous for the quality of wine and oil.


The itinerary we offer you starts from the Baglioni Tower, an ancient building carried out in the 13th century and standing just outside the historical centre.


Leave Torgiano by going down towards Bettona and Deruta and at the end of the short descent, at the traffic lights, turn right.

Go on continuing to follow the directions to Deruta until the historical centre of this charming “Ceramics Town” which offers a beautiful view over the surrounding territory, characterized by the landscape of Tiber and by a still predominantly rural aspect.

After leaving Deruta, go on following the directions at first towards Casalina and then towards Papiano.

At the 13.5 kilometre turn right towards the Papiano train station and just before the level crossing, rather than going back to the main street, take a secondary alley on the right that, for some kilometres, runs between the railway and the cultivated fields and that also has a stretch of well kept dirt road.

Once reached the intersection with the SP377, turn left and enter Fanciullata.

Go on following the directions towards Perugia, going always straight on until San Martino in Campo.

Once reached San Martino, at the 23.5 kilometre, you will find a roundabout where you will turn again right following the directions towards Torgiano: first we will pass over the bridge on the E45 and a little further on the bridge on the River Tiber, before starting the short climb leading back to the centre of the village and that starts precisely at the Lungarotti Wine Cellars.

Going up towards the historical centre, on the left you will see the expanses of vineyards that made this town famous for its wine and, just a bit further, the unmistakeable profile of Perugia and of the Subasio Mountain.

Once reached the top of the hill, turn right and in few metres you will find yourself at the starting point.