Spartiti playbill - Gubbio


The contemporary art exhibition ‘Spartiti’, created to celebrate ten years of the Umbria in Voce Festival, will be open from 5 to 20 September 2024, at the Chiostro di San Pietro, in Gubbio.
It will be a site-specific event, curated by Nello Teodori and conceived around the idea of the ‘score’, understood as a place, a space, a map to be constructed with visions and words to give voice to.
Twenty-one artists of national importance will be exhibited: Eleonora Albanese, Barbara Amadori, Diego Strappaghetti, Lucia Angeloni, Simone Armelani, Alessio Biagiotti, Carmine Calvanese, Emanuela Cruccu, Paolo Fabiani, Claudio Parrini, Leslie Gonzalez, Diego Repetto, Ilaria Margutti, Angelo Ricciardi, Elio Mariucci, Vincenzo Rusciano, Luca Matti, Marilena Scavizzi, Giovanni Mengoni, Silvano Tessarollo, Francesca Nicchi and Rita Vitali Rosati.
For more information:
Facebook: Umbriainvoce

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