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Until 20 October 2024, the exhibition 'Trace_001', by gammatrace, a digital artist answering to the name of Nicolò Marchi, can be visited in Spoleto, in the basement of Palazzo Collicola
The exhibition, the artist's first solo show, draws a disturbed and contaminated reality, in which mind, body and space break the boundaries that divide them, giving life to figures caught in a suspended state, whose forms appear compromised, on the verge of unravelling.
The exhibition is composed of works created in CGI (computer generated imagery) and brings together two cycles: Nebuxel, from 2021, and Phosphenesis, the most recent and partially unseen, which saw the collaboration of British actor and artist Laurence Fuller and US director and actor Vincent D'Onofrio in the creation of a work in this series.
For more information:
website: Palazzo Collicola

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