Titolo: Chiesa di San Nicola- Otricoli

Chiesa di San Nicola- Otricoli

Located in the heart of the town, the building dates back to the end of the 15th/beginning of the 16th century. It is a rectangular space with a cross-vaulted ceiling, with a large chapel on the left which originally would have been the core of the early church.

The façade has a semi-circular-topped door with two decorations: a sunburst Christogram at the centre of which are the letters IHS (representing Jesus’ name) and a small bas-relief depicting the Patron Saint Nicola in bishop’s robes. Above it is a small ornate trilobed window. The bell gable rises up on the roof with two pointed arches containing two bronze bells. Inside the church are some precious 17th century paintings; a baptismal font and a basin for holy water, both carved out of stone and dating back to the 11th century; and some frescoes that were discovered following recent restoration work.
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