House Museum of Palazzo Sorbello

House Museum of Palazzo Sorbello

The Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation is located in Palazzo Sorbello, in Piazza Piccinino, in the historic centre of Perugia, a stone's throw from Palazzo dei Priori and the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, between the Etruscan well and the church of San Severo.

The Bourbon di Sorbello palace, where the Museum House is located, dates back to the 16th century and belonged over time to various families (including the Montemelini and the Degli Oddi) until in 1780 Giuseppe I Bourbon di Sorbello settled there with his family.

The visit allows to discover the intellectual life and the artistic taste of the aristocracy from the 18th and 19th centuries in Umbria.

The collection includes landscape paintings, family portraits and paintings, including the Portrait of Vittorio Alfieri by François-Xavier Fabre.

The rich library contains rare editions such as the Encyclopedie Française by Diderot and D'Alembert (1770) and the original edition of Alfieri's Tragedies.

A 19th century Ginori tableware and figurines from German manufacturers in Meissen and Dresden stand out in the porcelain collection.

You can also admire the precious fabrics of the Pischiello School of Embroidery founded by Romeyne Robert Ranieri in 1904.

Every day, without reservation, you can participate in "A journey through time at Palazzo Sorbello", a guided tour with a playbook for children and families.

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