Titolo: Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Città della Pieve

Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Città della Pieve

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, formerly the headquarters of the Society of the Disciplinati (Flagellants) of the Holy Saviour, is one of the city's three parishes. The ancient church from 1200, located close to the walled perimeter near where the ancient Castle Gate once opened, underwent successive remodelling and transformations that continued until the 19th century. It was dedicated to St. Anthony Abbot until 1815, when the Parish of Saints Peter and Paul and the Confraternity of Saints Sebastian and Rocco were moved there from the demolished church located near Palazzo Baglioni.

The interior is characterized by a cross-vaulted central bay between two narrow opening and closing bays of the hall, which are barrel-vaulted. The Society of the Disciplinati of the Holy Saviour is credited with a series of important interventions made in 1508 on the place of worship, including the commission to Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, of one of his last frescoes, Saint Anthony Abbot between Saints Paul the Hermit and Marcellus, located behind the high altar.

Vannucci's unmistakable painting style places the three main characters within a structure surmounted by a lunette with Jesus and Angels, of remarkable illusionistic effect. The strong earthquake (registering 8 on the Mercalli Scale) that struck Città della Pieve on 9 May 1861 partially damaged the church, and the fresco, in order to be saved, was detached from the wall, backed with canvas and returned to its original location.

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