Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Arrone

Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Arrone

The parochial church of Santa Maria Assunta is situated in the more recently built neighbourhood of Santa Maria, atop the medieval settlement of Arrone, around the castle known as 'La Terra'.
The building has a four-gabled facade with a belfry and three portals; the central one dates back to 1493, and its lunette features a fresco depicting Madonna and Angels. The inside, with its nave and side aisles ending in three apses, is mostly decorated with 17th century frescoes. The early 16th century frescoes that extend into the central apse are inspired by the sacred iconography of Filippo Lippi, the great Renaissance artist who painted the apse of the Spoleto Cathedral. Precious glazed terracotta sculptures of the 16th century decorate the left apse. The dais of a triptych by Maestro di Arrone, dating back to 1487, can also be seen.  
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