Titolo: Città di Castello - art, events, history and handicrafts

Città di Castello - art, events, history and handicrafts

Characterised by its "measured taste for beauty" (TCI, 2008), Città di Castello has a rich history - from Umbrian and Roman settlements to its annexation to the Kingdom of Italy via the Signoria of the Vitelli family (15 th-16 th centuries), who contributed to the creation of a great historic-artistic heritage. 
Surrounded by long stretches of 16th century walls, you can find art along all of the streets of the historic town centre: in the Renaissance architecture, in the courtyards and open galleries of the noble palaces and in the cloisters and aisles of churches.
Start your visit from the central piazza Gabriotti, home to the cathedral dedicated to Saints Florido and Amanzio with an unfinished façade, the Cathedral museum with artworks by Pinturicchio and Rosso Fiorentino, and the 16 th century Town Hall, built from a design by Angelo da Orvieto.
Opposite, there is the 14 th century Civic Tower and the tall Byzantine-Ravenna style cylindrical bell tower. Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera, luxurious 15 th century home to the family with the same name, is now the location of the Town Art Gallery and its prestigious collection of works by Luca Signorelli, Raphael, Raffaellino del Colle and Pomarancio.

Città di Castello is also the birthplace of the important contemporary artist Alberto Burri (1915-1995), who left most of his artwork here, now displayed in the palazzo Albizzini and former Tobacco Drying Barns museums. Palazzo Albizzini has around 130 paintings, sculptures, graphic design pieces and set design drafts arranged in chronological order, displayed in twenty rooms. The former Tobacco Drying Barns house large format pieces made between 1974 and 1993 - with 128 works in all, arranged according to cycles.
In the town, museums like the Grifani-Donati Graphic Art Documentation Centre or the Tela Umbra Fabric collection are a testimony to the importance of manufacturing activities in the territory.
Throughout the year, Città di Castello organises numerous art, music and theatre events as well as those dedicated to handicrafts, gourmet food and wine and folk tradition.

Savour local products such as the fine truffles in the trattorias and numerous restaurants of the area, as well as in the town fairs and markets.

Relax in the nearby Terme di Fontecchio, ancient Roman thermal baths dating back to Pliny the Younger, which today is a modern state-of-the art facility where you can pamper yourself
Explore the surroundings
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