Titolo: Mariottini Collection - Panicale, Town Hall

Mariottini Collection - Panicale, Town Hall

The Mariottini Collection is exhibited on the piano nobile of Palazzo Zucchetti, seat of Panicale's Town Hall since 1870; in particular, in the Sala del Consiglio and Sala della Giunta. It consists of 31 paintings with celebratory portraits, commissioned between 1765 and 1780 by the Perugian Francesco Mariottini (Perugia 1733 - Panicale 1803).

A professor of Civil and Canon Law and Rector of the University of Perugia from 1776, Mariottini was descended from the noble Saccalossi family of Panicale. The paintings were in fact made to decorate the family palace. About a century later, in the aftermath of the Unification of Italy, Mayor Pindaro Mancini convinced his heirs to donate the canvases to furnish the Town Hall, which he himself had helped to purchase.

In the collection, which combines works of different origins and the hands of at least six different artists, there are portraits of men of arms, legates, men of letters and religious figures who were born or lived in Panicale, including the condottiere Boldrino, the painter Masolino, an artist active in Florence at the time of Masaccio, the religious Virgilio Ceppari and numerous members of the Saccalossi family, to the glory of the patron.

The most interesting work in the entire collection is the canvas with the ‘List of the illustrious men of Panicale beyond the natural portraits’: 48 medallions with the busts of as many personalities, whose identity is revealed by a cartouche, as was in use at the time in heraldry or genealogy prints.

Useful information and accessibility
Useful information:

Email: cultura@cumune.panicale.pg.it

Phone: 075 8375831

The Mariottini collection is housed inside the Panicale Town Hall. It consists of thirty-one canvases commissioned by Francesco Mariottini between 1765 and 1780 and donated to the Municipality.

The collection can be visited during the Town Hall's opening hours: from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Monday to Friday. The Town Hall room can also be used for ceremonies, and on such occasions, it is not open to the public. For the room's opening, it is necessary to contact the staff.

How to reach the property:

The venue can be reached by car, and near the entrance, there are two parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, with a valid car pass. The pavement is asphalt with a compact surface. The first parking lot, located in front of the Town Hall, is about 30 meters from the entrance, and the connecting path has an average slope of 12%. The second parking lot is 75 meters from the entrance, and the path is mostly flat, with sections having an average slope of 4%.

Moving around the facility:

The building has three floors connected by stairs or elevator. The collection is housed in the Town Hall room on the first floor.
The main entrance of the building has two steps, but a few meters away, there is an alternative accessible entrance, which is the same as the Registry Office's, featuring a threshold connected by a slightly sloped ramp and a door with a passage width well over 75 cm (when both doors are open). From here, an obstacle-free path leads to the elevator, which connects to the Art Gallery and other floors.
The elevator has a door with a net opening of 79 cm on the short side, and the cabin is 95 cm wide and 145 cm deep. There is a support handrail, and the control panel has numbers in raised characters and Braille.
The internal stairs connecting the floors have handrails on both sides.

Use of contents:

The Town Hall room hosting the Mariottini Collection contains portraits of notable figures from Panicale.
The most important piece is a canvas with 48 medallions. Inside the Art Gallery, there are panels with descriptions of some of the exhibited works in Italian, English, and Braille. There are tactile reproductions of the works for blind and visually impaired visitors. Additionally, with NFC technology and a QR Code, you can access the web app "Il Perugino per tutti" at the link: https://trasimeno.appculture.it/.
Here, information is designed to be accessible to a diverse audience in terms of age, sensory, and communication needs: audio guides for adults and children in Italian and English, video guides in LIS (Italian Sign Language) and IS (International Sign) for adults and children, and descriptions of the works in CAA (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) to facilitate communication for people with learning or cognitive difficulties.

Toilet features:

The toilets are located on the first floor, on the right side after exiting the elevator.
The facilities do not include adjustments for wheelchair users, although they are spacious.

Mariottini Collection - Panicale, Town Hall
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