From Umbertide the itinerary of good food
Taste routes

From Umbertide the itinerary of good food

An itinerary discovering the Umbrian gastronomic excellence: from Umbertide to the Valnerina

Umbria is a region famous for its many excellent food and wine specialties such as Mazzafegato, a specialty typical of the Upper Tiber Valley, particularly of Umbertide.

It’s a sausage prepared with the last parts of the slaughter and can be accompanied by red wine.

In Umbria, today as in the past, winemaking is an art and the cultivation of the olive still has a sacred character.

Small but fascinating spots arise in the hill areas dotted by vineyards and olive groves where the products hence derived will bear a mark of controlled and protected origin.

Torgiano and its wines are world famous and the town hosts a beautiful Wine Museum; Montefalco is located on the hills where the highly renowned Sagrantino is grown. This wine was probably tasted by Beato Angelico, his disciple Benozzo Gozzoli and Perugino while they were working at the frescoes of the Franciscan churches of the “Balcony of Umbria” .nbsp

The high quality of the olive oil of Trevi, Spello and Spoleto contribute to their attractions; they are known for their architectural treasures and artworks by important artists such as Pintoricchio, Filippo Lippi and again Perugino.

From Spoleto you can continue towards the Valnerina, where the talents of butchers gave rise to one of the most famous Italian surgical schools. Norcia is the homeland of sausages, prosciuto, cheese and black truffles, all locally produced and of the highest quality.