Palazzo dei Priori

Palazzo dei Priori - Assisi

The Palazzo dei Priori is found in the charming location of Piazza del Comune, the political and cultural hub of Assisi.

Although its construction began in the 1275 from the incorporation of the three bodies of preexisting buildings, the Palazzo dates back to the mid-fourteenth century.

In the 1442 the troops of Niccolò Piccinino almost entirely dismantled it. In 1493 the palace was restored according the order of Pope Sixtus IV and the desire of the Cardinals Orsini and Savelli. They further expanded it including the pawnshop and the residence of the Apostolic Governor. Documents from the 1330s show that the Priors inhabited the upper floor while there were shops below.
The Palazzo dei Priori houses the offices of the City of Assisi; it's possible to visit the fully decorated Conciliation Room and Council Room during events and conferences.

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