Titolo: Park of sculptures in Brufa

Park of sculptures in Brufa

Art treasures in the open air

Along the ridge of the Brufa hill, in the municipality of Torgiano a few kilometres from Perugia, nature, the urban landscape and sculptural art merge, creating a totally original relationship with the territory, a dialogue that opens up to the imagination of visitors, and to the changing seasons and natural changes.

Sculptors in Brufa. La Strada del Vino e dell'Arte is a project started in 1987; the park is enriched every year thanks to the participation of the greatest contemporary sculptors of international renown.

Today there are more than 30 permanent sculptures, created for the territory by the artists; a visit to this splendid corner of Umbria offers a unique experience that begins in the streets of the village and extends towards the surrounding countryside characterised by evocative views, in which the vineyards of Torgiano's prestigious wine production stand out.

A new natural and cultural itinerary

In this surprising landscape, all the sculptural works become cornerstones of the urban fabric. Each space designated for permanent installations is chosen by the artist personally, who lives and studies the territory to get to know it in all its expressions, creating a natural and cultural itinerary in constant dialogue with the territory and its traditions that is renewed every year.

Many well-known sculptors from around the world have chosen to enhance and enrich the Umbrian village with their art, from the very first work that kicked off the event: Brufa (1987) by the great sculptor Massimo Pierucci, as a tribute to his parents' hometown and the rural tradition from which the artist feels he comes.

Following all the sculptors and works of art to be discovered and admired in what has become one of the largest collections of environmental sculptures in Umbria:

1987 Massimo Pierucci- Brufa

1988 Marcello Sforna - L’Equilibrista

1989 Mario Pizzoni - La Serena di Tuoro

1990 Agapito Miniucchi - Thaun

1991 Giuliano Giuman - Ianuae

1992 Aurelio De Felice- La montanara

1993 Bruno Liberatore- Torri

1994 Nino Caruso - La porta di Dioniso

1995 Loreno Sguanci- Il grande segno

1996 Umberto Mastroianni - Primavera per Brufa

1997 Mirta Carroli - Il tempio delle voci

1998 Carlo Lorenzetti - Arc-en-ciel

1999 Joaquin Roca Rey - Sursum corda

2000 Nicola Carrino - Progetto Brufa Costruttivo modulo L

2001 Giuliano Giuliani - Tronco

2002 Gino Marotta- Grande Alone

2003 Eliseo Mattiacci- Porta di Castelgrifone

2004 Mauro Staccioli- Brufa 04

2005 Valeriano Trubbiani - Volo frenato

2006 Pietro Cascella - Fontanina

2007 Teodosio Magnoni - Ara

2008 Federico Brook - Le nuvole di Brufa

2009 Umberto Corsucci - Vitalità

2010 Ettore Consolazione - Contro tutti i terrorismi

2011 Beverly Pepper - Broken Circle

2012 Federica Marangoni - Un volo impossibile

2013 Marco Mariucci - L’uomo di Brufa

2014 Tito Amodei - Vibrazioni

2015 Paolo Pasticci - Macina umana

2016 Hidetoshi Nagasawa - Due mondi

2017 Gianni Pettena – Architecture forgiven by nature

2019 Alex Corno- Contrappunto

2021 Ugo La Pietra - Segnale/ Portale- Architettua/ Natura

2023 Claudio Capotondi - Sfersnodesploso

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