Strozzacapponi Necropolis

Strozzacapponi Necropolis - Corciano

There are hundreds of tombs, organized according to a plan: similar in structure and size, they have a dromos (corridor) with steps leading to the entrance, closed by a large slab. The interior space on three sides had ledges where the urns or ollae holding the burial ashes were placed together with funerary objects.


Those of the traditional aristocratic class are flanked by burials of many lower-ranking, free men or freed slaves. Used between the third century and the first century BC, the necropolis was associated to a mining settlement in the nearby travertine quarries in Santa Sabina.

The urns, some of which are exhibited in the municipal Antiquarium of Corciano, are generally smooth; only in some cases do they have sculpted decorations enriched by lively polychrome decoration. The lids are often engraved with the name of the deceased.

The necropolis-museum is part of a wider nature-archaeological route that also includes the necropolis of Fosso Rigo, used by craftsmen engaged in stone working.

The archaeological area is temporarily closed to the public. Last updated June 2023.


Località Strozzacapponi - Via Einaudi
06073 - Corciano (PG) 


Fonte Regione Umbria - Servizio Musei e soprintendenza ai beni librari 

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