"The Lauri Garden" - Città della Pieve

"Il Giardino dei Lauri" is the new location dedicated to Contemporary Art created by the art collectors Angela and Massimo Lauro to exhibit part of their personal collection.


The Lauro Collection was started in 1990 and today includes approximately 300 works of art. Collecting the work of the most representative artists, protagonists on the national and international artistic scene, the exhibit represents a narrative itinerary through the most updated research in the field of visual art.



The display is hosted inside the 650 square meters of the industrial facility and in a garden. It is animated with 70 installations of new talents from a completely new generation. The artistic selection in the exhibition, which mainly includes artists from Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and Poland, sees names of classical artists—such as Takashi Murakami, Mariko Mori, Roxy Paine, Michael Heizer, Rudolf Stingel, Ugo Rondinone, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Massimo Bartolini and Maurizio Cattelan—side by side to a nucleus of artists born between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s, who more recently have appeared on the scene receiving important international appreciation such as Aaron Young, Eric Wesley, Dash Snow, Piero Golia, Matthew Monahan, Piotr Uklanski, Urs Fisher, Gary Webb, Martin Creed and Jonathan Meese.


Località San Litardo
06062 - Città della Pieve (PG) 
email: info@ilgiardinodeilauri.it
sito web: www.ilgiardinodeilauri.it


Fonte Regione Umbria - Servizio Musei e soprintendenza ai beni librari  

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