Titolo: Acera Castle - Campello sul Clitunno

Acera Castle - Campello sul Clitunno

Acera Castle, at an altitude of almost 1,000 metres (972 m a.s.l.), is located in the mountains above Campello, rich in oak, truffle and maple trees, from which it takes its name.

The completely restored medieval village dominates the valley of the Spina stream and is surrounded by dense forest vegetation. Medieval walls encircle the village, whose urban fabric follows the contours of the land, becoming more circular as it approaches the highest part. Two churches are preserved within the walls, that of San Biagio and the one dedicated to the Madonna, which is near the entrance gate to the castle. The public oven also stands nearby.

Characteristic is the polygonal tower, dating back to the 18th century, built by the Prioreschi family, who incorporated two towers, a 14th-century rectangular one and a 16th-century pentagonal one, making the castle their home. Not to be missed are the beautiful views of the valley and the glimpses that are lost in the green of the woods.

The castle was built along the Roman route of the Via della Spina, which from Spoleto, breaking off from the Flaminia, passed through the Colfiorito plateau to reach the Adriatic Sea.

The road was also an ancient transhumance route for the transfer of cattle from the winter pastures of the Latium Maremma to the summer pastures of the Umbria-Marches Apennines. As early as 1468, it also served as “Hospitale” to provide shelter for shepherds and livestock.

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