Church of San Domenico

Church of San Domenico

The monumental church of San Domenico in Città di Castello, was begun in the 14th century and finished in 1424.

The large, severe structure is one-nave, with an open-beam roof and a cross-shaped chorus.

The façade is unfinished. On the left side is the raised and square bell tower. Despite subsequent work, the portal remains an example of the technique of the local artisans of the fourteenth century
The apse shows simple and severe architectural lines, with three chapels in the crossing, under a Gothic-arched vault.

On the walls are frescoes of the Siena, Marche and Umbria Schools including a Crucifixion, an Annunciation and Saints and San Antonio Abate


Two works formerly hung over the Renaisance side altars; Raphael's Crucifixion, painted around 1503 for the Gavari family, is now in the National Gallery in London, and the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian by Luca Signorelli, painted in 1498 for the Brozzi family, is now in the Municipal Art Gallery in Città di Castello. The main altar holds the body of the Dominican tertiary Blessed Margaret (1287-1320), called the Blind Woman of Metola for the city where she was born. In the apse is the wooden choir, made up of 26 stalls with beautiful inlays, precious work by Manno of Cori. The portal, restored in 1939, is the work of the master stonemason Pietro Pazzaglia. Above the portal is a fresco by painter Aldo Riguccini of Città di Castello.

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