
Castel Rubello - Porano

Context: isolated in the agricultural context
Dating: 13th century
Current use: accommodation
Private property
Castel Rubello, built on a hill (430 metres) is part of the Porano municipal territory. The castle, in a good state of preservation, is formed by the union of two complexes: the first one is characterized by building units huddled up and by a church, naturally defended by a rocky bastion and by a big square-based corner tower.

The second complex consists of a big building for residential use, that preserves within it a splendid fireplace and frescoes of Lombardelli, and of smaller-sized buildings arranged in a circle to create a court.
The castle, dating back to the 13th century, took its final appearance at the beginning of the fourteenth century. It was a source of contention: in the 14th century between Malcorini and Muffati, in the 15th century between Ladislao d’Angiò and the near Orvieto.
It was owned by Valenti since the half of the fifteenth century; the castle was then passed on to the noble family of Avveduti. In 1816 it belonged to the Society of Jesus who entrusted it to the Baron Luigi Salvatori. Today it is owned by Giuseppe Serafini Trinci.
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