Titolo: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista

Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista

The church dedicated to San Giovanni Battista in Vallo di Nera was built during the 13th and 14th centuries. In the 16th century the absidal part was enlarged and partially rebuilt (the date is engraved on the left corner of the facade).
The façade, bell tower, the portal and the rose window date to that period.
Inside the church there are important works of art: a baptismal font of the 16th century, a fresco of 1536 by Jacopo Siculo, in the apse, the Transit of the Madonna, a splendid example of the school of Raphael of the 16th century, a Pietà and symbols of the Passion by the same artist, a graceful Holy Oil of 1504, many paintings of the 16th century as well as some relics covering the period from 1722 to 1814. Along the side walls of the church ae the fourteen stations of the Via Crucis dating back to 1749. On the front of the arch Jacopo Siculo painted a delicate Annunciation and life size figures of San Sebastiano and San Rocco.
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