Titolo: Piazza 40 Martiri and Lodges of Marksmen – Gubbio

Piazza 40 Martiri and Lodges of Marksmen – Gubbio

The square, original seat of the medieval market, is now equipped partly as parking and partly as garden.
Defined as the primary place of welcome for the regional road system, the square is also a spot where you can enjoy a splendid view on the upper part of the town, near the mountain.
Its name is a tribute to the 40 victims of Gubbio killed by Germans on 22 June 1944.

The northern side is bordered by the long 14th century complex of the former “Big Hospital”, built by the Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary and transferred in 1452 to the Brotherhood of Whites or lay people.
The building was originally the seat of the Hospital of Lady Mary (1326). In 1505 it was joined by other hospitals of the district, hence the name of “Big Hospital”, remained active until 1628. Since already the first half of 1500 “The Art of Wool” was aimed at building over the big hospital an indoor room where “pulling” the clothes, namely laying the fabrics so to achieve the wished dimensions.
The Lodge of Marksmen was executed after many controversies and is still present in all its majesty.
In the façade of the building we can see one of the many wall paintings of that time: a Madonna between the Saints. Peter and Paolo by Bernardino from Nanni (1473).
The Church of St. Mary of Lay people annexed to the building, was built in 1313 and extended maybe according to the drawing by Francesco Allegrini during the renovation of the entire complex. The last restoration dates back to 1997 after the earthquake. The walls of its only nave are decorated with 24 small paintings representing the life of Mary, executed by Felice Damiani.
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