Castelvecchio di Preci

The small village of Castelvecchio di Preci

The small village, under the jurisdiction of the commune of Preci, was dramatically transformed in the 16 th and 17 th centuries.

Its name (Castelvecchio, Old Castle) is testimony to its ancient function as its strategic position in the dominion of Valnerina and the Campiano Valley.

The inhabited area has an almost rectangular form and is crossed by streets which intersect in the fashion of a chessboard. Within the town, we find the Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, Chiesa di Santa Maria and Chiesa della Madonna della Colonna churches.
The entrance gates to the village are located on the two longer sides and correspond to the ancient routes towards Corone in the south and Saccovescio in the north.
The splendid Abbazia di Sant'Eutizio abbey is just a short distance away.

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