Francis Route: North and South Route
Le Chemin de saint François

St. Francis Way: Northern and Southern Route

An evocative natural and spiritual itinerary crossing Umbria from North to South

The St. Francis Way is an evocative natural and spiritual itinerary crossing Umbria from North to South, passing through some of the most beautiful towns of the region, and above all the most important and significant Franciscan sites.


This cycling itinerary should be approached with a pilgrim´s spirit in order to ride in the green, but at the same time immersed in the spirituality and mysticism of these lands, while meeting the local people who will charm you with their welcoming spirit and authenticity.

This route can be made starting either from North or from South, always having as final destination Assisi.

The Northern Route starts from the La Verna sanctuary, in Tuscany, crosses St. Sepolcro, enters Umbria and then goes through Città di Castello, Pietralunga, Gubbio and Perugia before reaching the Sacred Convent of Assisi. It´s an itinerary through wild landscapes, where pilgrims discover little-known places and roads, but requiring a good level of training to overcome a series of challenging uphills.

The Southern Route starts from Piediluco, crosses the villages of the Lower Valnerina such as Arrone, Ferentillo and Scheggino, before reaching Spoleto and then continuing through Trevi, Foligno and Spello. It´s an almost perfect balance among natural beauties as well as cultural and artistic gems, a shorter and less arduous trip than the Northern route.

The Northern and the Southern Route create a fascinating experience in any case, independently from the religious aspect. It´s a journey than anyone can interpret in his/her own way, with a pilgrim's spirit or simply by enjoying the beauty of the itinerary and the natural, artistic, cultural and food and wine excellencies of this area.