Doc e Docg Torgiano Wines

Vini Doc e Docg Torgiano

A small village not far from the main town of the region, Torgiano owes its origin to the settlements built around a medieval castle of which only a few walls and a tower remain. It is no coincidence that Torgiano is home to two of the most important museums in the region, the Wine museum and the Olive and Olive Oil museum. It is an extraordinary territory, which has always been a privileged reservoir for the production of quality wine and oil for the nearby city of Perugia.

The production area of the Torgiano wines, which includes a DOCG and a DOC, is the entire territory of the Torgiano municipality, excluding the alluvial soils along the course of the rivers in the case of grapes intended for the production of DOCG wines. This territory is the first one that received, thanks to the far-sighted producer Giorgio Lungarotti, the DOC in Umbria in 1968.

It was also the first one to get the DOCG in 1990.

Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Trebbiano are grown here and, together with other optional grapes, they give life to two red wines of the highest level: Rosso di Torgiano Doc and Rosso Riserva Docg. In the DOC, in addition to the red wine, there are also White wine, Rosé wine, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling Italico, Pinot Nero and Spumante.

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